6.4. Contact

The contact is that two bodies are affected by their forces after they contact each other. It is important in the mechanical system as a cam and latch device. On the contrary to this, it is caused by abnormal vibration and noise. If a contact is defined between two geometries, you can calculate a contact force by the amount of interface and give it to each body.

RecurDyn supports various contact entities such as following table. The user can create the contact forces by using the contact entities in the Contact group.

Table 6.22 Contact Entities


Primitive 3D



Sphere To Sphere

Geo Curve

Geo Surface

Sphere In Sphere

Geo Circle

Geo Sphere

Sphere To Cylinder

Circle To Circle

Geo Cylinder

Sphere In Cylinder

Circle In Circle

Geo Curve To Surface

Sphere To Box

Circle To Curve

Geo Curve 3D

Sphere In Box

Curve To Curve

Geo Sphere To Curve 3D

Sphere To Torus


Sphere To Surface

Sphere In Torus

Cam Line2D

Cylinder To Surface

Sphere To Cone

UV Sphere

Sphere In Cone

Cylinder To Cylinder

Cylinder In Cylinder

Cylinder To Box

Cone To Cone

Cone In Cone

Cone To Cylinder

Sphere To Arc Revolution

Sphere To Arc Extrusion

The contact of a simple geometry as sphere is light the load of contact calculation and is easy to set each parameter. On the contrary to this, the contact of a surface or patch is high to general characteristic and can define any surface. Instead, the parameter setting becomes complex and the load of contact calculation is high. Therefore, you should use the contact of simple geometry.

Guideline for RecurDyn Contact Type

There are 3 types of contact.

  • Primitive Contact such as Sphere to Sphere.

  • Semi-Primitive Contact such as Sphere to Surface

  • General Contact such as Surface to Surface, Extended Surface to Surface, Solid, and Geo contacts.

Recommended Selection of RecurDyn Contact entities

  1. If you can apply the primitive contact, please use Primitive Contact.

  2. If you can apply the semi-primitive contact, please use Semi-Primitive Contact. For this type of contact, FB tries to implement with Geo Surface contact in future.

  3. For the general contact problem, you can choose Solid or Geo Surface contact.

  4. For the rigid contact and convex-convex problem, you can choose the Solid contact for more fast solution.

Recommended Selection of RecurDyn Contact entities [2D problem]

  1. If you can apply the primitive contact, please use Primitive Contact such as Circle to Circle.

  2. If you can apply the semi-primitive contact, please use Semi-Primitive Contact. For this type of contact, FB tries to implement with Geo Curve contact in future.

  3. For the general contact problem, you can choose Geo Curve contact. If you want to use Curve to Curve contact, please use Geo Curve contact.