9.7.6. Boundary Condition

The Boundary Condition, i.e. BC, constraints the nodal degrees of freedom.

  • The BC’s DOF fixes the coordinate systems of nodes and the Offset moves nodes.

  • The coordinate system of BC is the Body Reference Frame if you don’t select Reference Marker manually.


Figure 9.90 Boundary Condition dialog box

  • Boundary Condition Type: Defines a type of boundary condition.

    • The default is User Defined, where you can select the DOFs yourself.

    • The other type includes options such as Clamped and Simply Supported, where the DOFs are already selected for you.

  • Color: The boundary condition is displayed with this color.

  • Use Body Reference Frame instead of Reference Marker: Uses the body reference frame instead of the reference marker.

  • Reference Marker: Defines the reference marker by clicking M. It is activated when the Use Body Reference Frame instead of Reference Marker option is unchecked.

  • Add/Remove: Selects nodes to add or remove for a boundary condition.

  • Add/Remove (Continuous): Selects a patch or line to add or remove continuously with its own patch or line continuity in angle tolerance for a boundary condition.

    • Tolerance (Degree): Defines an angle tolerance to check patch or line continuity.

    • Check Reverse Direction: If this option is checked, nodes are selected regardless to normal direction of patches or lines in the angle tolerance.

    • Type Patch: Selects a patch then continuously connected patches are added, and the nodes of the patches are selected.

    • Type Line: Selects a line then continuously connected lines are added, and the nodes of the lines are selected.

  • Add by Node IDs: Selects nodes to add or remove by Node IDs.


    Figure 9.91 Range of Node ID dialog box

    • Initialize before Add: If this option is checked, initialize selected nodes.

    • Specific: Selects nodes by specific node ids with “-” and “,”.

    • Simple Rule: Selects nodes with Start ID, Increment, No. of Selection.

    • Start ID: Shows the starting node ID.

    • Increment: Shows the increment of node ID.

    • No. of Selection: Shows the number of selected node.

  • No. of Nodes: Shows the number of nodes included in the BC.