Creating the Input Files

Two files are needed.

  • The rmd (RecurDyn Model Data) file contains the model data in an ascii (text) format. To create this file, click here.

  • The rss (RecurDyn Scenario Script) file is a text file that contains information about running the simulation. To create this file, click here.

All two of these files are created using the RecurDyn graphical user interface on a Windows-based computer.


If the user wishes to view the animation for a simulation run by the Standalone Solver, they must select to output the RAN (Solver-Generated Animation) file. This is required because the Standalone Solver cannot generate the RAD file which normally contains the animation data. To choose to output the RAN file, the user can either:

  1. Change the model’s simulation settings to output the RAN file, as described here, before exporting the RMD file.

  2. Change the RMD file directly, as shown here.