Method: RFLEX to FFLEX

If a RFlex body is selected as a source body for G-Manager, Rigid, FFlex, and RFlex body can be converted. When the target body is FFlex body, two methods are supported to convert Rigid body. (12) RFlex : Convert to FFlex Body

When the target body is FFlex body, if the user wants to convert a RFlex body to a FFlex body using mesh data of the RFlex body, Convert to Rigid Body type can be used.


Figure 11.22 Convert to FFlex Body Type

  • Target Converting Body: Select a target body type. In this case, please select FFlex.

  • Type: Select a method how to change from RFlex to FFlex. In this case, please select Convert to FFlex Body.

  • Additional Options

    • Use Force Connector of Connecting Parameter: Determines how to connect between the dummy body and nodes. The default is unchecked. For more information, click here.


      Figure 11.23 Options dialog box

  • Assist Modeling: some items can be maintained after converting process.

    • Name: Maintains the name of source body.

    • Initial Velocity: Maintains the initial velocity of source body.

    • Joint: Maintains Joint entities related to the source body.

    • Force: Maintains Force entities related to the source body.

    • Geo Contact: Maintains Geo Contact entity related to the source body. Other Contact entities are not supported. (13) RFlex : Swap using Mesh Data File

When the target body is FFlex body, if the user wants to swap with a mesh data file, Swap using Mesh Data File type can be used.


Figure 11.24 Swap using Mesh Data File Type

  • Target Converting Body: Select a target body type. In this case, please select FFlex.

  • Type: Select a method how to change from RFlex to FFlex. In this case, please select Swap using Mesh Data File.

  • Options

    • Mesh Data File Path: Define a path of the file that is used to swap.

    • Reference: Define a reference frame that is used to swap.

  • Additional Options

    • Swap Options: When RFlex body is converted to FFlex body, some options are needed. For more information about this dialog, please refer to Import dialog box.

    • Use Force Connector of Connecting Parameter: Determines how to connect between the dummy body and nodes. The default is unchecked. For more information, click here.


      Figure 11.25 Options dialog box

  • Assist Modeling: some items can be maintained after converting process.

    • Name: Maintains the name of source body.

    • Initial Velocity: Maintains the initial velocity of source body.

    • Joint: Maintains Joint entities related to the source body.

    • Force: Maintains Force entities related to the source body.

    • Geo Contact: Maintains Geo Contact entity related to the source body. Other Contact entities are not supported.

      • In the case of Geo Surface Contact, a Patch Set is created for the whole surface of the base or action geometry.

      • In the case of Geo Curve Contact, a Line Set is created for the first edge of the base or action geometry.