Tire Property File

The .tir file and the .rdf file are needed to use the GTire. These files are used to the STI (Standard Tire Interface) format and the TNO Tire and COSIN FTire also use the format. So, the user should add the VENDER_TIRE_TYPE parameter to the .tir file of GTire for dividing the provider of the tire model and the model type. This parameter must exist in the [MODEL] category of the .tir file.


Tire Model


TNO MF (license provide from FB)


TNO SWIFT (license provide from TNO)




RecurDyn UAtire


User Tire (using General Tire Interface)

RD-USER UATire Property File

The existing UATire of RecurDyn does not need the tire property file. But the GTire needs the tire property file and the property file of the UATire for the GTire entity is as follows.

Sample Files: <Install Dir>\Toolkits\GTire\RECURDYN_UA\tire_files\

Parameter definition

  • UNLOADED_RADIUS: Tire unloaded radius (R1)

  • WIDTH: Tire width for creating the geometry

  • RIM_RADIUS: Rim radius for creating the geometry.

  • RADIAL_STIFFNESS: Radial stiffness (\(K\))

  • RADIAL_DAMPING_RATIO: Radial damping ratio (\(C\))

  • LONGITUDINAL_STIFFNESS: Longitudinal stiffness (\({{K}_{s}}\)) by the slip ratio

  • LATERAL_STIFFNESS: Lateral stiffness (\({{K}_{\alpha }}\)) by the slip angle

  • CAMBER_STIFFNESS: Lateral stiffness (\({{K}_{\gamma }}\)) by the camber angle

  • ROLLING_RESISTANCE: Rolling resistance moment coefficient (\({{C}_{r}}\))

  • FRICTION_MAX: Maximum friction coefficient (\({{\mu }_{s}}\))

  • FRICTION_MIN: Minimum friction coefficient (\({{\mu }_{d}}\))

For more expressions of the UATire, refer to UATire Model. USER Tire Property File

The GTire for the user tire needs the tire property file, as follows.

To use the User Tire of GTire, VENDER_TIRE_TYPE and USUB_DLL must be set. USUB_DLL must be set with relative path from RecurDyn model. Also, to create the Tire body, DIMENSION block must be set as below tire property file. Additional user parameters can be added repeatedly.


FILE_TYPE = ‘tir’



LENGTH = ‘mm’

FORCE = ‘newton’

ANGLE = ‘radians’

MASS = ‘kg’

TIME = ‘second’







$-Tire Dimension 205-60-R14


WIDTH = 205.0

RIM_RADIUS = 177.8





USER_DEFINE_PARAM3 = 300.0 MFTire Property File

The property file of the MFTire is same to the property file of the existing MFTire. The user should add the VENDER_TIRE_TYPE parameter and if the user uses the TNO Tire, the user can set various options by the USE_MODE parameter as follows. The next lines are only used by RecurDyn, Adams and ignored by other MBS codes.

Table 41.2 User Mode

Option Number

Option Description


Fz only, no Magic Formula evaluation


Fx,My only


Fy,Mx,Mz only


Fx,Fy,Mx,My,Mz uncombined force/moment calculation


Fx,Fy,Mx,My,Mz combined force/moment calculation


Fx,Fy,Mx,My,Mz combined force/moment calculation + turn slip


steady state behavior


including relaxation behavior


including relaxation behavior (nonlinear)


including rigid ring dynamics


smooth road contact


smooth road contact (circular cross section, motorcycles)


moving road (default for RecurDyn GRoad)


road contact for 2D roads (using travelled distance)


road contact for 3D roads


  • USE_MODE = 334 implies

    • combined slip

    • rigid ring dynamics

    • moving road

  • Users want to use 2D road than USE_MODE set to 14 or 4 as below.

    • USE_MODE = 14

In case of the tire model provided by TNO, the value of VENDER_TIRE_TYPE should be TNO-MF or TNO-SWIFT. If the user uses SWIFT, the user should type VENDER_TIRE_TYPE to TNO-SWIFT and the user must use the independent license provided by TNO. If the user uses MFTire, the user should type VENDER_TIRE_TYPE to TNO-MF and the user does not need to use the independent license provided by TNO. But, in case of MFTire, the user cannot perform an analysis by the Rigid Ring Dynamic (USE_MODE = x3x) setting.

Sample Files: <Install Dir>\Toolkits\GTire\TNO_MF_SWIFT\tire_files\

For more information of the MFTire or the SWIFT Tire, refer to MFTire Model.


FILE_TYPE =’tir’



LENGTH =’meter’

FORCE =’newton’

ANGLE =’radians’

MASS =’kg’

TIME =’second’




LONGVL = 16.7 $Nominal speed

VXLOW = 1 $Lower boundary of slip calculation

ROAD_INCREMENT = 0.01 $Increment in road sampling

ROAD_DIRECTION = 1 $Direction of travelled distance

USE_MODE = 314



UNLOADED_RADIUS = 0.3135 $Free tyre radius

WIDTH = 0.205 $Nominal section width of the tyre

RIM_RADIUS = 0.1905 $Nominal rim radius

RIM_WIDTH = 0.152 $Rim width

ASPECT_RATIO = 0.6 $Nominal aspect ratio

$————————————————-operating conditions


INFLPRES = 220000 $Tyre inflation pressure

NOMPRES = 220000 $Nominal tyre inflation pressure FTire Property File

The property file of FTire by COSIN is same to the property file of the existing MFTire. When creating the property file in the COSIN, the animation flag must be turned off. The user should add the VENDER_TIRE_TYPE parameter as follows. RecurDyn recommend setting Maximum Time Step smaller than 1.0e-3.


Figure 41.4 Animation Flag in COSIN

Sample Files: <Install Dir>\Toolkits\GTire\COSIN_FTIRE\tire_files\



FILE_TYPE = ‘tir’





‘Tire Manufacturer - n/a’

‘Tire Type - n/a’

‘Tire Dimension - 195/65 R 15 91S 6.0J’

‘Pressure - 2.00 bar’

‘File Generation Date - 2012/10/26 11:40’



$these data are not used by FTire, but only by the calling solver

{radial width}

1.0 0.0

1.0 0.4

1.0 0.9

0.9 1.0



FORCE = ‘newton’

MASS = ‘kg’

LENGTH = ‘mm’

TIME = ‘sec’

ANGLE = ‘deg’



$use up to 20 factors p1, p2, p3,.. to modify parameters in [FTIRE_DATA]

$these values might be overwritten, depending on environment

p1 = 1 $ -

p2 = 1 $ -

p3 = 1 $ -




$these data are not used by FTire, but only by the calling solver

unloaded_radius = 317.3733 $ mm

width = 195 $ mm

aspect_ratio = 0.65 $ -

rim_radius = 190.5 $ mm

rim_width = 152.4 $ mm



$these data are not used by FTire, but only by the calling solver

vertical_stiffness = 169.1 $ N/mm

vertical_damping = 0 $ Ns/mm




property_file_format = ‘USER’

gravity = ‘earth’

tire_construction = ‘pneumatic_tire’

tire_side = ‘asis’

n_tire_states = 30 $ -

run_time_mode = 0 $ 0..4

diagnosis_mode = 0 $ 0 or 1

statics_accuracy = 0 $ 0,1,2

activate_tread_pattern = 0 $ 0 or 1

activate_thermal_model = 0 $ 0 or 1

activate_tread_wear_model = 0 $ 0,1,2,3

activate_side_wall_model = 0 $ 0 or 1

activate_air_vibration_model = 0 $ 0,1,2

activate_flexible_rim_model = 0 $ 0,1,2

separate_animation = 104000010 $ div.

additional_output_file = 0 $ 0,1,2

log_file = 1 $ 0,1,2

verbose = 0 $ 0 or 1

save_contact_forces = 0 $ 0 or 1

save_geometry = 0 $ 0 or 1

save_belt_states = 0 $ 0 or 1

save_tread_depths = 0 $ 0 or 1

save_wheel_envelope = 0 $ 0 or 1

append_pp_data_to_this_file = 1 $ 0 or 1

output_end = 999 $ s

animation_end = 999 $ s

road_grid_line_dist = 50 $ mm

road_grid_size = 2000 $ mm

force_scaling = 1 $ -



inflation_pressure = 2 $ bar

tread_depth = 8 $ mm

ambient_temperature = 20 $ degC

road_surface_temperature = 30 $ degC



$……………………………………………….basic data and geometry

tire_section_width = 195 $ mm

tire_aspect_ratio = 65 $ %

rim_diameter = 381 $ mm

load_index = 91 $ -

speed_symbol = ‘S’

rim_width = 152.4 $ mm

rolling_circumference = 1925 $ mm

tire_mass = 9 $ kg

belt_width = 170 $ mm

tread_width = 170 $ mm

belt_lat_curvature_radius = 800 $ mm

$…………………………….static and modal data for 1st infl. pressure

first_deflection = 10 $ mm

second_deflection = 20 $ mm