
CoLink supports the Subsystem made the combination of many blocks into a Subsystem block.


Figure 20.127 Model tab window and subsystem tab window

  • Add In/Out block

    The user can add the Input block and the Output block by clicking Add In/Out in the context menu shown as Figure 20.128. Also, the user can add the blocks by the Copy & Paste function.


    Figure 20.128 Add In/Out function in the context menu and Add In/Out dialog box.

  • Close Subsystem

    The user can use the Close View function in the menu list Window and the Subsystem View tab.


    Figure 20.129 Close View function in the context menu and Subsystem View tab

  • Move View tab

    If the user clicks the View tab, the user can move it. Shortcut is Shift + Tab.

  • Subsystem Simulation

    If there are not the Input block and the Output block, the user can a single analysis for the subsystem.