4.16. Import / Export Subentity

The user can import and export different kind of subentities in one XML. All entities are not supported. Please refer to follows.

  • PV, PP, PVC, PPC, String, Expression, USUB, Request, Variable, Differential, G.Con, DV, and PI are available.

  • Spline and Material Property are not supported. They have their own format and too big to add in one XML.

Step to Import a Subentity XML

  1. Click Import icon and then Opne dialog box appears as following figure.


    Figure 4.171 Import SubEntity Dialog

  2. Click Open and open a subentity XML.


    Figure 4.172 Import Subentities dialog box

    • Import: Applies selected subentities to the current model or subsystem

    • Close: Close the dialog box.

  3. Check subentities to select.

  4. Click Import to apply selected subentities to the current model/subsystem.

Step to Export a Subentity XML

  1. Click Export icon and then Export Subentities dialog box appears as following figure.


    Figure 4.173 Export Subentities dialog box

    • Export: Exports selected subentities to a new subentity XML

    • Close: Close the dialog box.

  2. Check subentities to select.

  3. Click Export to export selected subentities to an XML.