43.1.7. ProcessNet Python Register Py

You can use the Register Python script.

Step to make the ProcessNet Python Script for Register Py

When the user try to register the ProcessNet script, ensure that register and related content is executed between predefined initialize() and dispose().
Unlike General, it does not matter if you set the function name as you want.
def register_function():
   application.PrintMessage(“Welcome! Example for register function.”)


Step to Register ProcessNet General function

  1. Under the Custommize tab, click Register Py in the ProcessNet(Python) section. The following dialog window appears


    Figure 43.11 ProcessNet Setting Dialog and Run Dialog

    • Add: Adds a row to write a new ProcessNet Python script.

    • Remove: Deletes the selected row.

    • Startup: Executes the Register script assigned to the selected row when RecurDyn starts.

  2. Click Add to add a new row. The image48 button appears to the right of the new row. Click this button to open the File dialog window.

  3. Select a ProcessNet Python script, and then click the Open.

  4. Select the checkbox to use the Startup function.

  5. Click OK to apply the changes you have made or click Cancel to undo the changes.