RFlex Page

After importing a Flexible body as Filename.rfi file, you can change the properties of its body in the following window.


Figure 10.92 RFLEX tab of Properties of RFlexbody dialog box [Mode]


Figure 10.93 RFLEX tab of Properties of RFlexbody dialog box [Animation]


Figure 10.94 RFLEX tab of Properties of RFlexbody dialog box [Damping]

In the RecurDyn/RFlex, the following modal information is displayed.

  • Frequency: Frequency of each mode.

  • Coord: Initial condition for modal coordinate

  • Velocity: Initial condition for modal velocity

  • Mode: You can select mode by Mode Range or Frequency Range.

    • Mode Range: select mode by its sequence.

    • Frequency Range: select mode by its frequency

  • Animation: You can see each Mode shape as animation.

    • Mode Seq: Sequence of the current mode.

    • Frame/cycle: Animation frame and Cycle.

    • Frequency: Frequency of the current mode

    • Prev: The previous mode

    • Play: Play animation of its mode

    • Next: The next mode

    • Scale Factor: Scale factor of mode shape.

    • Show Undeformed: Show mode shape with the undeformed state.

  • Damping: You can modify damping values.

    Damping Type: Determine calculation type

    • Damping ratio: \(\zeta\)

      • Damping coefficient: \(c=\zeta\cdot c_c\)

      • Critical damping coefficient: \(c_c=2m\omega_n=4\pi mf\)

    • Damping coefficient: direct value

    • Stiffness proportional ratio [%]: \(\alpha\)

      • Damping coefficient: \(c=0.01\alpha k=0.01\alpha\omega^2\)

    • Default: Set Damping coefficient by Critical damping ratio

      \(\begin{aligned} &0<f<100\text{(Hz)}\to\zeta\text{(Damping ratio)}=0.01 \\ &100\leq f<1000\text{(Hz)}\to\zeta\text{(Damping ratio)}=0.1 \\ &1000\text{(Hz)}\leq f\to\zeta\text{(Damping ratio)}=1 \end{aligned}\)

    • Mode Range: Select mode by its sequence

    • Frequency Range: Select mode by its frequency

    • Import: import damping coefficients of all modes

      • File format (*.fdc)

        The total number of modes should be equal.
        The first line is comment.
        The second column should have damping coefficients of all modes.
  • Reassociation: If the RecurDyn cannot find an RFI file when you open a model, this function is activated and you can reassociate the RFI file again. Also, this function is inactivated after the RFI file is connected.

Mass Invariant option

  • When the Depends on Body Setting is selected in the Flexibility/RFlex tab is selected, then this option can be selectable. The default is Full.

  • If the Depends on Body Setting in Flexibility/RFlex tab and Partial option is selected, then the Invariant Variables N4 (\({{\mathbf{\zeta }}_{6}}\)) and N6 (\({{\mathbf{\zeta }}_{8}}\)) related in the Mass Matrix of a RFlex body are not computed for solving speed improvement.

  • If the Depends on Body Setting in Flexibility/RFlex tab and Full option is selected, then the all Invariant Variables are used for computing the Mass Matrix.


There are two rules of checking Rigid mode.
- The frequency of rigid mode is less equal 0.01.
- The frequency is less equal 0.05 and the ratio between the next mode’s frequency value is more than 100 times. Options


Figure 10.95 Options dialog box of RFlex body

  • User Defined Rigid Body Frequency: The user can define Rigid Body Frequency.

  • Without RFA File: The user can use these options to improve animation speed without RFA file.

    • Animation with Modal Coordinate Limit

      • If this option is checked, the user can input a modal coordinate limit. This value limit no. of used mode to calculate deformation of RFlex Body.

      • If the option is not check, Deformation of RFlex body is calculated by using all mode. (This option is default.)

    • Animation with External Node Only

      • If the option is checked, Deformation of RFlex body is calculated about external nodes only.

      • If the option is not check, deformation of RFlex body is calculated about all nodes. (This option is default.)

  • Marker Generation: This option helps you to generate node markers at nodes. Two methods are supplied. The one is that you can generate node markers in a range. The second is that you can generate node markers at the selected node ID. This marker can be used to connect joint or force on a flexible body. If interface nodes exist, you can regenerate the marker of these nodes on flexible body.

  • Regeneration Interface Node Marker: The user can regenerate markers on interface nodes. Maximum number of creating markers located on the Interface Nodes can be defined in RFlex tab in the Flexibility/RFlex tab.