Format of the bat file (Dos Batch File)

[RecurDyn.exe] [model.rdyn/model.rdx] /rdp [rdp file] /rf /rss [rss file] /out [outfilename] /show /iicf[icffilename] /sicf[icffilename] /ran [on/off] /rplt [on/off]

  • [RecurDyn.exe]: Defines a path of the RecurDyn.exe.

  • [model.rdyn/model.rdx]: Defines a name of the *.rdyn or *.rdx file.

  • /rdp [rdp file]: Reloads the RecurDyn Design Parameter file.

  • /rf: Reloads the relation file data.

  • /rss [rss file]: Reloads the RecurDyn Simulation Scenario file.

  • /out [outfilename]: Creates the output file.

    • The output files are named to be outfilename1.EXT through outfilenameN.EXT.

  • /show: Shows RecurDyn window during a batch simulation.

  • /iicf [icffilename]: Imports the ENDTIME CONDITION file.

  • /sicf [icffilename]: Exports the ENDTIME CONDTION file.

  • /ran [on/off]: Flags to create the RecurDyn Solver-Generated Animation file

  • /rplt [on/off]: Flags to create the RecurDyn Plot Database file.

  • /export rmd: Flag to export a RMD file. (The purpose of this option is only to export the RMD file, so the user should remove the /rss *.rss option.)

  • /export rdx: Flag to export a RDX file. (The user can export a model file to a XML formatted model file.)

  • /noexit: Flags not to close RecurDyn after executing the batch file. (without this option, RecurDyn is closed automatically)

  • /outfolder [on/off]: Flags to create an output folder.

  • /MatchSolvingStepsize [on/off]: Flags to use the Match Solving Stepsize with Report Step option that is supported at the Dynamic/Kinematic analysis.

  • /saveas [rdyn file]: Saves as a *.rdyn file.

  • /TIME [value]: Sets a Time Offset. (Time Offset works when the keyword TIME is used for batch option.)

    • Example) RecurDyn.exe Sample.rdyn /rss Sample.rss /TIME 0.2

  • /exitsave: Flags to save current rdyn file after simulation. This flag does not work with /noexit flag.

  • /ani: Flags to display animation during a batch simulation.

  • /module [module name]: Defines an additional module and supports RecurDyn/CoLink only.

  • /SOLVERTYPE [DLL/EXE]: Selects whether the DLL type of solver or the EXE type of solver.

  • /LinearSolverTypeMBD [Automatic/Dense/Sparse]: Selects linear solver type for MBD.

  • /NTHREAD [the even number in the rage of 0 to the max thread]: Selects number of threads. If the 0 is selected, it sets Auto.

  • /message: Flags to create the RecurDyn message as a txt file that saves messages in the message window.

If the user wants to simulate the system with the various *.rss file, the user can simulate the system by using the batch file. When writing batch commands for simulation, for the first command, [RecurDyn.exe] should be written and for the second, [model.rdyn] should be written. And the order of the other commands is free. The format of the batch file is as follow.

[RecurDyn.exe] [model.rdyn] /rss [rss1 file] /rdp [rdp file] /out [outfilename1]
[RecurDyn.exe] [model.rdyn] /rss [rss2 file] /rdp [rdp file] /out [outfilename2]
[RecurDyn.exe] [model.rdyn] /rss [rss3 file] /rdp [rdp file] /out [outfilename3]


When a file name with (or without) full path has a space, a pair of double-quotes (“”) is needed around the file name.
“C:\Program Files\FunctionBay, Inc\RecurDyn V9R5\Bin\RecurDyn.exe” “Arbitrary Model-1.rdyn” /rss “Rss test1.rss” /out “Output 1” /show

ProcessNet Module

  • /ProcessnetRunDll [ProcessNet.dll]: Specifies the full path of the ProcessNet dll which has the function, [ProcessNetFunctionName].

    • Example) this dll file is created in “<install dir>\ProcessNetProject\ProcessNet\bin\Release\ProcessNet.dll”. (If you create the ProcessNet project in a different location, the path and the file name can be different.)

  • /ProcessnetRun [ProcessNetFunctionName]: Executes the ProcessNet function. The options of the ProcessNet Module have to use together.

  • /ProcessnetRunScript [ProcessNetScript.py]: Specifies the full path of the ProcessNet python script.

  • /ProcessNetType [General/Python]: Selects the type of ProcessNet.

RDCoLink Module

  • /clk [colink filename]: Defines a name of the Colink file.

  • /colinkshow: Shows the CoLink window during a batch simulation.

Define a Toolkit License Settings for Batch

  • TktCfg.exe /[toolkit1] /[toolkit2] /[…] : Defines required toolkits

  • TktCfg.exe /NONE: Uses no toolkit.

  • Example)
    TktCfg.exe /RFLEX /MTT3D
    RecurDyn.exe “Model1.rdyn” /rss test.rss /Show
    TktCfg.exe /NONE
  • TktCfg.exe /[toolkit1] License [ON/OFF]: License of the “toolkit1”, turn on/off. If user disable the license option, it is set to License ON.

  • Example)
    TktCfg.exe /RFLEX License ON /MTT3D License OFF
    RecurDyn.exe “Model1.rdyn” /rss test.rss /Show


RecurDyn recommends using the higher OpenGL version than 4.


"<install dir>\\bin\\RecurDyn.exe" "model1.rdyn" /rdp model.rdp /rss model.rss /out out /show
"<install dir>\\bin\\RecurDyn.exe" "model1.rdyn" /rdp model.rdp /rss model.rss /out out /show
"<install dir>\\bin\\RecurDyn.exe" "model1.rdyn" /rdp model.rdp /rss
"<install dir>\\bin\\RecurDyn.exe" "model1.rdyn" /ProcessNetType "General" /ProcessnetRunDll "e:\\MyProcessnetGeneral.dll" /ProcessnetRun HelloProcessNet
"<install dir>\\bin\\RecurDyn.exe" "model1.rdyn" /ProcessNetType "Python" /ProcessnetRunScript "e:\\MyProcessnetScript.py"
"<install dir>\\bin\\RecurDyn.exe" "model1.rdyn" /rss model.rss /module rdcoLink /clk model1.clk/ colinkshow
"<install dir>\\bin\\RecurDyn.exe" "model1.rdyn" /export rdx
"<install dir>\\bin\\RecurDyn.exe" "model1.rdx" /rss