Export the RDP File

  1. To export the *.rdp file, the user must define DP in Parametric Point and Parametric Value dialog box.


    Figure 5.69 Parametric Point dialog box


    Figure 5.70 Parametric Value dialog box

  2. Export the *.rdp file in Export dialog box from the System Button menu. When exporting the *.rdp file, the *.rpp and the *.rpv file are created.


    Figure 5.71 Export dialog box RDP File(RecurDyn Design Parameter File)

The *.rdp file includes the name of the *.rpp and the *.rdv file.

Format of the RDP file

!================================RecurDyn Design Parameter==============================
!-------------------------------------Main System---------------------------------------
,NAME = Model1                                    #Model Name
,PARAMETRIC_VALUE = RDPFILENAME.rpv               #RPV File Name
,PARAMETRIC_POINT = RDPFILENAME.rpp               #RPP File Name

,NAME = Body1                                      #Body Name
,PARAMETRIC_VALUE = RDPFILENAME_Body1.rpv          #RPV File Name
,PARAMETRIC_POINT = RDPFILENAME_Body1.rpp          #RPP File Name

,NAME = Subsystem1                                 #Subsystem Name
,DESIGN_PARAMETER = RDPFILENAME_Subsystem1.rdp     #Subsystem RDP File Name

In case of design parameter is defined in the subsystem, the *.rdp file about the subsystem is created. RPP File(RecurDyn Parametric Point File)

The file name is defined as the below forms.

  • Case1: In case of the design parameter is defined in Main system.


  • Case2: In case of the design parameter is defined in the body of the main system.


  • Case3: In case of the design parameter in the Subsystem.


Format of the RPP File

!================================RecurDyn Parametric Point==============================
PP1 = 1,2,3
PP2 = 4,5,6 RPV File(RecurDyn Parametric Value File)

The file name is defined as the below forms.

  • Case1: In case of the design parameter is defined in Main system.


  • Case2: In case of the design parameter is defined in the body of the main system.


  • Case3: In case of the design parameter in the Subsystem.


Format of the RPV File

!================================RecurDyn Parametric Value==============================
Pv2 = 2 Import the RDP File

The user can import Design Parameter File (*.rdp). The user can change Parametric Point and Parametric Value to the value of Design Parameter.