4.9.6. OUT File Format for Requests

Standard request out file format

  • Standard request out file format for displacement

    • Line 1: The header names of the standard request for displacements

    • Column 1 below the header names: Time

    • Column 2 below the header names: The magnitude of translational displacements

    • Column 3 below the header names: X direction displacement

    • Column 4 below the header names: Y direction displacement

    • Column 5 below the header names: Z direction displacement

    • Column 6 below the header names: X direction rotational displacement

    • Column 7 below the header names: Y direction rotational displacement

    • Column 8 below the header names: Z direction rotational displacement

  • Standard requests out file format for velocity

    • Line 1: The header names of the standard request for velocities

    • Column 1 below the header names: Time

    • Column 2 below the header names: The magnitude of translational velocities

    • Column 3 below the header names: X direction velocity

    • Column 4 below the header names: Y direction velocity

    • Column 5 below the header names: Z direction velocity

    • Column 6 below the header names: The magnitude of rotational velocities

    • Column 7 below the header names: X direction rotational displacement

    • Column 8 below the header names: Y direction rotational displacement

    • Column 9 below the header names: Z direction rotational displacement

  • Standard requests out file format for acceleration

    • Line 1: The header names of the standard request for accelerations

    • Column 1 below the header names: Time

    • Column 2 below the header names: The magnitude of translational accelerations

    • Column 3 below the header names: X direction acceleration

    • Column 4 below the header names: Y direction acceleration

    • Column 5 below the header names: Z direction acceleration

    • Column 6 below the header names: The magnitude of rotational accelerations

    • Column 7 below the header names: X direction rotational acceleration

    • Column 8 below the header names: Y direction rotational acceleration

    • Column 9 below the header names: Z direction rotational acceleration

Expression request out file format

  • Expression request out file format

    • Line 1: The header names of each expression request

    • Column 1 below the header names: Time

    • Column 2 below the header names: Meaningless value

    • Column 3 below the header names: 1st expression value

    • Column 4 below the header names: 2nd expression value

    • Column 5 below the header names: 3rd expression value

    • Column 6 below the header names: Meaningless value

    • Column 7 below the header names: 4th expression value

    • Column 8 below the header names: 5th expression value

    • Column 9 below the header names: 6th expression value

USUB request out file format

  • USUB request out file format

    • Line 1: The header names of the each USUB request

    • Column 1 below the header names: Time

    • Column 2 below the header names: Meaningless value

    • Column 3 below the header names: 1st USUB value

    • Column 4 below the header names: 2nd USUB value

    • Column 5 below the header names: 3rd USUB value

    • Column 6 below the header names: Meaningless value

    • Column 7 below the header names: 4th USUB value

    • Column 8 below the header names: 5th USUB value

    • Column 9 below the header names: 6th USUB value

    • Each USUB header name is distinguished from C1 to C6.

RFlex request out file format

  • Displacement, velocity and acceleration request out file formats are the same as those of the standard out file formats.

  • Rflex request out file format for deformation

    • Line 1: The header names of the RFlex request for deformations

    • Column 1 below the header names: Time

    • Column 2 below the header names: The magnitude of translational deformations

    • Column 3 below the header names: X direction deformation

    • Column 4 below the header names: Y direction deformation

    • Column 5 below the header names: Z direction deformation

    • Column 6 below the header names: The magnitude of rotational deformations

    • Column 7 below the header names: X direction rotational deformation

    • Column 8 below the header names: Y direction rotational deformation

    • Column 9 below the header names: Z direction rotational deformation

  • Rflex request out file format for strain

    • Line 1: The header names of the RFlex request for strain components

    • Column 1 below the header names: Time

    • Column 2 below the header names: Strain component of Exx

    • Column 3 below the header names: Strain component of Eyy

    • Column 4 below the header names: Strain component of Ezz

    • Column 5 below the header names: Strain component of Exy

    • Column 6 below the header names: Strain component of Exy

    • Column 7 below the header names: Strain component of Ezx

    • Column 8 below the header names: Strain intensity magnitude

    • Column 9 below the header names: Von-Mises strain magnitude

  • RFlex request out file format for stress

    • Line 1: The header names of the RFlex request for stress components

    • Column 1 below the header names: Time

    • Column 2 below the header names: Stress component of Exx

    • Column 3 below the header names: Stress component of Eyy

    • Column 4 below the header names: Stress component of Ezz

    • Column 5 below the header names: Stress component of Exy

    • Column 6 below the header names: Stress component of Exy

    • Column 7 below the header names: Stress component of Ezx

    • Column 8 below the header names: Stress intensity magnitude

    • Column 9 below the header names: Von-Mises stress magnitude