5.13. Plot

Plot Result

The program creates the new plot document and if current model document has the simulation result, that *.rplt file is imported to that plot document.

Plot Result with Multi Imported Data

The program creates the new plot document and if current model document has multi results with DOE simulation, that result files are imported to that plot document.

FRA Plot

The program creates the new plot document and if current model document has the FRA simulation result, that *.fplt file is imported to that plot document.

Plot Add

If there is the plot document already created with current model document, current simulation result file is imported to that plot document. If not, new plot document is created, and result file is imported to that plot document. This function is activated when current model document has the simulation result.

Plot Open

The *.plot file is opened, and current simulation result file is imported to that plot document. This function is activated when current model document has the simulation result.

Plot Template

It sets the template file.


Figure 5.113 Plot Settings dialog box

  • Use the Default Template File(*.template): Use the default template file if it’s checked when the Plot mode is opened.

    • Use the Specified File: When the Plot mode is opened and the default template file is applied, the program uses the specified file.

    • Search the Template File in Directory Containing the Model(*.rdyn) File: When the Plot mode is opened and the default template file is applied, the program searches the file which saved as the same name with the model file.

For more information, refer to Plot.