8.1.6. Script Database Window

The files created by script are listed.


Add User Script Folder

Add user script folder to the script database.

Remove User Script Folder

Remove selected user folders in the script database.


Refresh user script folders. If there are changes in the script folders, Refresh you script folders.

Context Menu




User Scripts

Add User Script Folder

Add a script folder in you script of script database window.


Modifications, additions, and removals of files and folders in you script are updated.


Remove User Script Folder

Remove the selected Script Folder from Database.


Modifications, additions, and removals of files under the folder are updated.

Open Containing Folder

Open the folder containing the script files belonging to the Folder

Sub Folder

Open Containing Folder

Open the folder containing the script files belonging to the Folder

Csx file

Run Script

Run the selected script file.

Edit Script

Open and Edits the selected script file on Script Editor Window.

Use StartUp

Run the script file (*.csx) when RecurDyn Post starts.

Open Containing Folder

Open the folder containing the selected script file.