FFlex Page

This page provides some options for an FFlex model. These options except the Automatic Outputs for Markers option affect simulation results.


Figure 3.99 Flexibility dialog box [FFlex]

  • Core Option

    • In Core: Uses only memory. Therefore, it gives a faster solution than the Out Of Core option if the available memory is enough. (This option is the default.)

    • Out Of Core: Allows the linear solver can use the file to swap memory to solve the huge DOF case.

  • Stress Recovery Type: Selects the recovery type of calculating stress and strain.

    • Center: Recovers the stress and strain at the center of the element.

    • Extrapolation: Recovers the stress and strain at the element nodes by the extrapolation method. It is more accurate than the Center option. (This option is the default.)

  • Automatic Outputs for Markers

    • If this option is checked, the Output of FFlex body is created automatically if an FFlex body has Markers. The nearest Node from the Marker is defined as the Output.