44.5.2. Parameter Concept (Modification Mode)

Modification Mode supports the minimum number of commands compared to Creation Mode.

Parameters information

  • The Parameter of Modification Mode is generally composed by one Header and four Essential Parameter.

  • Header_Modify: Header for Modification Mode. This is a unique command in this mode. (User can add or delete the “!” in front of this command to deactivate and activate that command in eTemplate.)

  • HeaderDefinitionType: Header name for the target entity. This is an essential parameter.

  • TargetEntity: Name of the target entity. This is an essential parameter.

  • TargetParamete: Name of the target parameter. This is an essential parameter.

  • ValueToBeModified: Value to be modified. This is an essential parameter.

  • OrientationType(optional) : Orientation type to define the operation method of RefFrame. If the user has to use the orientation type, define the OrientationType parameter as optional parameter.


Generally, the values received in Modification Mode use the header names and parameter names provided in Creation Mode. However, there are some exemptions. For more information about these exemptions, refer to Helper Modification (Pro.)