Geo Curve To Surface

A Geo Curve To Surface is a general geometry contact between curve and other surface. The each body can be a rigid body or a flexible body and they can have any kind of shapes. Geo Curve To Surface contact analyzes the all possible contact points and output the all useful contact information like Geo Surface contact. In the case of contact pattern, they are the same as that of Geo Surface contact. Modeling Options

In the case of Geo Curve To Surface contact, a curve geometry type is supported as an action body and surface geometry type is supported as a base body. If curve or surface is flexible body, it should be defined to line or patch set.

  • Surface(PatchSet), Curve(LineSet)

    • Surface(PatchSet): Selects a rigid surface or a patch set to define a base surface.

    • Curve(LineSet): Selects a rigid curve, an edge or a line set to define a action curve. Properties


Figure 6.336 Properties of Geo Curve To Surface Contact dialog box

  • Definition of the Base Geometry: Definition of base geometry is same as that of Geo Surface Contact except for node contact option. For more information, click here.

  • Definition of the Action Geometry: Definition of action geometry is same as that of Geo Curve Contact except for 2D concept. For more information, click here.

    • Contact Geometry: Accesses the Curve Segment dialog box for the base geometry.

      • Radius: The radius of circle. The contact between a surface and a curve with the radius is calculated.