Multi-Core Processing

RecurDyn Linux solver has capabilities to run a simulation using multiple processor cores. Note that the multi-processing is only implemented with some entities. Refer to Table of Supported Entities. Therefore, you should check which toolkits are supported in your version of RecurDyn before using this function.

To invoke the Multi-Processing Option

  1. Edit the rmd file and search for the string NUM_THREAD. You can find a block of data in the rmd file as shown below:

!============== SOLVEROPTION ================!
, TIMEOFFSET = 0.000000
, TOLERANCEIF = 1e-008
  1. Change number of threads (number of cores to be used) by adjusting the number after the NUM_THREAD variable.

To confirm the Multi-Processing Setup

The RecurDyn message file (*.msg) that is output with each simulation contains some feedback about the number of threads that were actually used in the simulation. To see the information, edit the msg file (for example vi msg_file) and search for the string Thread. You can find a block of data in the msg file as shown below:

RecurDyn/SOLVER Information
   EXE type Solver for Windows 64 Bit
   No. of CPU Thread = 1