26.3. Workpiece To Workpiece Contact

The workpiece can be contacted with other workpieces. The linear parts of the workpiece segments are contacted with the linear parts of the other workpiece segments.


Figure 26.21 Example of 3 multi-layer winding wp2wp contact

26.3.1. Modeling Options

  • BeamAssembly, BeamAssembly

    • BeamAssembly: Selects a workpiece as a base.

    • BeamAssembly: Selects a workpiece as an action.

26.3.2. Properties


Figure 26.22 Workpiece to Workpiece Contact property page

  • Definition of The Base Workpiece

    • Entity Name: Selects the base workpiece.

  • Definition of The Action Workpiece

    • Entity Name: Selects the action workpiece.

  • No. of Inner Contact Points: Defines the additional contact points in one workpiece.

  • Contact Parameter: Allows the user to modify contact parameters by clicking Workpiece To Workpiece. In this dialog box, the user can modify the contact parameters of contact forces applied between workpieces. or more information, click here.


    Figure 26.23 Contact Parameter dialog box


The max step size needs to adjust to protect the contact point over the center line of base segment (workpiece) at only initial contact. Except this initial case, this Workpiece to Workpiece Contact can support all of cases without the limitation of maximum penetration.