White Noise

The White noise block outputs normally distributed random numbers.

  • The difference between this block and the Random number block is that the white Noise block generates the signal at a specific sample rate, which is related to the correlation time of the noise.

  • Theoretically, continuous white noise has:

    • Acceleration time of 0

    • Flat power spectral density (PSD)

    • Covariance of infinity

  • The correlation time of the noise is set by the sample time parameter.

  • The White noise block can simulate such a white noise by setting a correlation time much smaller than the shortest time constant of the system.

Dialog box


Figure 20.49 White Noise dialog box

Table 20.17 Parameters



Noise Power

Enter the height of PSD of white noise.

Sample Time

Enter the correlation time of noise.


Enter the initial seed of random number.