5.7.2. Simulation Manager

Simulation Manager is an independent application that supports efficient analysis of not only DOE Model but also General Model. This allows multiple models to be simulated simultaneously.


Figure 5.55 Simulation Manager

  • RecurDyn Solver: Path of the RecurDyn Stand-alone Solver file.

  • RMD Folder: A root folder for RMD files. (Automatically entered when executed by DOE UI)

  • Include Sub-Folder: Search and add including sub-folders.

  • Simulations: A list of RMD files to run simulation is displayed, and additional convenience functions are supported by clicking the right mouse button.


    Figure 5.56 Mouse pop-up menu

    • Use: If this option is checked, it is used to simulate all.

    • RMD File Name: This is the RMD File name. Click the browsing button to change the file.

    • Result: Show if a result file for this model exists.

    • Action: Click to simulate the model individually. And the model being simulated can be stopped.

    • Priority: Simulation priority can be set.

    • Progress: Display simulation progress.

    • Elapsed Time: Display elapsed time.

    • Status: Display the current simulation status.

      • None: The state that the model is added to the simulation list.

      • Waiting: The state that the model is added to the simulation queue.

      • Failed: In case of failure in starting or during simulation. (e.g. license error, simulation error)

      • Stopping: The state that the user is requested to stop the simulation.

      • Stopped: Simulation is stopped by the user.

      • Check Ref. File: Check the RecurDyn Simulation Agent (RDSA) has the reference files required for the simulation. (Network Mode Only)

      • Ref. File Sending: Transfer the reference file(s) required for simulation. (Network Mode Only)

      • Model Sending: Transfer the model file(s) for simulation. (Network Mode Only)

      • Waiting Simulation: Waiting for simulation to start in RecurDyn Simulation Agent(RDSA). (Network Mode Only)

      • End Simulation: Simulation has ended. (Network Mode Only)

      • Receiving Result File: Receive simulation result file from the RecurDyn Simulation Agent(RDSA). (Network Mode Only)

      • Simulating: Simulation is started.

      • Finishing: The state in which simulation is ending.

      • Succeed: Simulation ended successfully.

    • Trace started Item: If there are many lists to be simulated, the scroll bar automatically goes down to show the model being simulated.

    • The number of Concurrent Runs: This means the number of simulations that can be run simultaneously. Before using this feature, you must have a set number of licenses to operate normally.

  • Output: You can check the simulation information currently in progress. If you click the right mouse button, you can copy the information to the clip board or export (*.csv) to a file.

    • Filter: In the output result, only the message of the desired type is displayed.

  • Options


    Figure 5.57 Simulation Manager Options

    • Simulation Mode

      • Local: Simulation using resources in local machine.

      • Network: Simulation using preconfigured network resources.

    • Coordinator

      • Address: Display address of coordinator.

      • Port: Display service port of coordinator.

    • File Receive Port: Display file receive service port.

    • Automatically Connect when Starting RDSM: When the Simulation Manager starts, it tries to connect automatically.

    • Output Extensions: Display the extension name of the result files.

    • Use Response Latency: If you set the response latency to true, if there is no response for the set time, the model simulation is forcibly terminated and the next simulation starts.

    • On Failure, Set PIs to: Set on the Result Sheet as a performance index’s value when the simulation fails. Only numbers can be inputted.

    • Do not Use General License: If the option is set to true, the General License is not used.


When the Performance Index is defined as Scope type or ProcessNet type, Simulation Manager does not support it.