Nastran Bulk File

This supports a *.bdf or a *.dat file which is the Nastran input file format. The only information about Grid, Element, Material, and Property is used in the user-selected *.bdf or *.dat file.


Figure 11.40 Mesh Data Type – Nastran Bulk File

  • Bulk File (*.bdf, *.dat): Enters the file name and its path.

  • Interface Nodes: Defines the constraint modes by selecting the connecting points which are nodes of a flexible body. For more information, refer to How to Set Interface Nodes.

For reference, the RFlexGen does not support directly to perform the Dyanmis solver. Therefore, the RFlexGen is always making a new input file with RFI-generating commands and the bulk data in order to solve its file in the Sunshine solver. Additionally, the schematic diagram of the RFlexGen procedure is as shown below. The upper figures explain how to use the input file for Sunshine, and the lower figures explain how to make the RFI file from the output files generated by the Sunshine solver in RFlexGen.


Figure 11.41 The Schematic diagram of the RFlexGen procedure