
The Quantizer block discretizes the input signal at specified interval.

The system is defined by

\(y=q \times round \left( \frac{u}{q} \right)\)

\(y\) is the output signal
\(u\) is the input signal
\(q\) is the quantization interval specified in the block parameter.

Dialog box


Figure 20.118 Qnantizer dialog box

Table 20.58 Parameters



Quantization interval

Enter the interval around which the output signal is quantized.

Sample time

Enter the time interval between samples. Example

We can test the Quantizer block with the CoLink model shown in the below figure The Sine block is configured to a frequency of 1rad/sec and an amplitude of 1. The Quantizer block Quantization Interval is set to 1. Set solver type to Fixed-Step, discrete (no continuous states), and let End time be 1


Figure 20.119 CoLink model


Figure 20.120 A result from scope